Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's the Great Pumpkin

I watched "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" tonight with Sean. We have it on video, but it was fun to watch it on TV too. We found this pumpkin about four years ago on sale at Big Lots, and we put it up each year. We call it our Great Pumpkin. The photo was taken the year we got it, and Sean was a great ghost that year.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Seems like yesterday

These two gobblins were ready to go in 1987. Both of these costumes were homemade. I made the jack-o-lantern from a pattern, and the princess costume was put together from some dance outfit I had left over from the high school jazz team uniform I wore.

It's almost time to get out those pillow cases as back up for when you're little bucket gets full.
My brother and I used to go all over Carter County on Halloween night. My Mom would drive us, but we tried to get home before very late. Some years it was scary. One night the spooks had trapped a Sheriff's deputy in his car by cutting down a tree that fell across the little country road. They waited for him to get to the scene, and cut one and let it drop behind his car. We listened to this on our scanner (yes, we had one back in the 1970s) and when the deputy would get out of his cruiser to try and clear the debris, they would start shooting at him.
Just another Halloween night in redneck country.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Autumn traditions

For a couple of years, we made a pilgrimage to get apples and go to a pumpkin patch in Leavenworth each fall. It was fun, and made for a nice day away.
This photo is from 2005, I think. I have other photos I will post throughout the month of October, although they may be bunched into a posting this weekend because deadline is coming next week.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall favorites

I have a new job, and it is deadline driven, so I find myself thinking ahead and scheduling a trip to choose costumes, and a pumpkin.
I wish I had taken my camera along to a Fiber Arts Festival today. There were quite a few yarn spinners, and other talented artisans. A costume designer had some people wearing costumes from the play, "Cinderella."
I met a woman who has 60 Alpacas on her 20-acre farm, and she shears them, processes the wool, and sells the material. It feels exquisite.
Make no mistake, I don't have time to delve into fiber arts myself. I will be writing about it. As the saying goes, those who can, do, those who can't, write about it.