Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Garden wedding

Last weekend our friends Sheila and Randy were married in a beautiful backyard wedding. Another friend of ours, Jeff, officiated. It was the perfect day for an outdoor wedding. Everything was absolutely gorgeous and perfect. We started out by parking at a horse stable and waiting for the shuttle van to take our group to the house. They served mimosas while we waited. Our van driver pointed out the estate owned by the professor from Gilligan's Island. All of us old people were amused.

When we arrived we signed a mat inside a frame that 
held a photo of the couple in the middle. 
Sean took most of the pictures, and we didn't get a good one of the beautiful flower arch they stood under as they were married. The view was incredible as well. Water and mountains.
Here's Sheila making her way to the various tables at the reception.
She was so beautiful. They both looked so happy.
The theme for the reception was travel. Sheila and Randy have been all over the world, and each table was decorated with photos of their travels and items from that country.
Our centerpiece showed pictures of Italy.
There were a few other kids there and Sean made friends with them right away.
We were quite surprised that the boys were dressed
so much alike. It looks like two moms got together
and planned the outfits.
Loved the idea of a cupcake wedding cake. The top was theirs and had a replica of the Eifel Tower as the topper. The cupcakes were so delicious! I had strawberry, Chuck got orange, and some of our friends had chocolate.
It's hard to see the details in this photo, but the cupcake cake was
really pretty. They were so pretty it was hard to choose just one.
It was a beautiful wedding and reception. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Campin' and crabin'

This sun star was caught in our crab net.
We enjoyed it for a while and then sent
it home.
The kids have been wanting to go camping for a long time, so last week Chuck suggested that we just go to a local campground for one night. July has been so busy, and there is no end in sight. There's just no way we have time to take off for a few days and go anywhere right now.
So after a full day of both of us working and running errands, I ran off to the chiropractor appointment and he slung some stuff in the back of each car. As soon as I was back we took off. It was a rush job. He found we still needed some chocolate bars for S'mores, so he went to the store while we went to scout for a good camping spot. Later we realized we were short one sleeping bag, which created quite the sleeping experience for us. But that's another story for another day. Let's just say my toes were so cold they were almost numb most of the night.

He remembered almost everything, which is amazing since he packed it all within about 30 minutes.
We found some sweet spots and started to set up camp. Kids' tent and parents' tent.
They've become experts in setting up that tent.
For weeks they had it set up in the gazebo. 
Ours was new, but not difficult to figure out. 
Once we got our tents staked down we headed off to the beach.
He brought the crab pot along.
I know this looks gross, but we did catch some crabs.

This one escaped from the net and knew the way home.
Lilly and Sean had so much fun examining each crab.
Once they were out of the water for a while the crabs weren't
as feisty. We let a lot of them go back home. 
We caught some things we didn't intend, including
a few eels. They also were turned loose.
This sea star eluded capture. We didn't really want to keep
him, but he was so huge and was on our net a few
times. He would flop off just as we raised the net out
of the water. We were hoping to at least touch him.

This pic is a little out of focus, I believe.
Chuck remembered the cooking pot, and he did
the cooking. I've never done it, and I don't
like the idea of putting a live creature in
boiling water. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Operation Overboard

For the third year in a row Sean and his friend Kyle attended Vacation Bible School. Our church hosted a wonderful VBS. This year's theme was about diving deep into a relationship with God. The many volunteers who helped transform the church into an under-the-sea experience for the kids did such a great job! It was completely full, and it was so nice to see a church filled with children.
There were so many cute ways they decorated. The fish and sea turtles
greeted us as we entered the church.

I don't know how they got all of the kayaks up there.

Kyle at the helm.

Pastor Jim in his scuba gear. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Imagine the beep,beep, b, beep sound as I offer you this breaking news alert.
After about 100 pounds of poop, an equal amount or more of feed, quality time, coaxing, love, pleading and sometimes threats of the deep fryer, one of our chickens has started to lay eggs.
It was around dusk on a Monday that the farmer/firefighter/general contractor decided to check the chicken coop nesting boxes for any signs of an egg. The discovery was met with whoops and wide-eyed excitement as he brought the egg in to show the family.
The first egg of 2012 at The Mossy Knoll Farm.

Seriously, we've been waiting for what seems like a long time. We expected them to start laying in June, and we're still waiting on the other six to get busy. A few of them are still too small, we believe. Hopefully they will lay before the end of summer, though.

This summer has been pretty busy for us, so far. We're working on the restoration of the historic Glen Cove Hotel, and we've had some social events both here at the house and out in the community. We both served on the committee to make the community fair happen. Chuck was president and I did some volunteer coordinating. In between all of that work we've had some work parties here at the house to get ready for the big family reunion coming up next month.

I've been coordinating the summer curriculum for summer Sunday school, and I'm also working on the committee to plan the big open house for the new school. Busy, but even with all of this going on I still feel like I've been able to slow down a little bit. I've actually said no to a few things, and it feels good.

I'm enjoying the freedom of being home and setting my own schedule, and so far the business keeps me busy, but not so stressed that I feel like I never have a moment to relax.

I love working outside, and sometimes I take my paperwork outside, too.
Back porch entrance.

Just another view from my office.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One of mom's tricks

There are so many moments when I wish I could call my mom and ask her a question. Sometimes I just need to know what she would think of a situation. We made jelly last fall and some of the batches didn't set. I was wishing I could call her and ask what she would recommend. She taught me so many things, and probably most of them without me even knowing she was teaching.

Each time I use something that was hers that is a useful item I always say a little thank you to her. She was so great at spotting little things for the kitchen, or tools for handyman type jobs at yard sales and thrift stores. She had a great sense of humor, too, and was pretty quick at finding solutions to problems.

So last night when I slid into bed and turned off the light and heard a fly buzzing in the room I was irritated. I was too tired and didn't want to get up to chase it, but it wouldn't stop buzzing and I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep.

Then I remembered what mom told me some years ago. I got up, went to the bathroom and turned on the light and waited for the fly to be drawn to the room with the light, then I flipped off the bathroom light and closed the door. The fly was trapped and I slept peacefully.

Thanks Mom!