Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring Fever and Road-Trip Dreamin'

Spring always reminds me of my mom. She loved spring. I used to be more partial to fall, myself, but since I've moved to the other side of the country and live in a cloud bank, I'm jumping onto the spring wagon.

My mom was always in a pretty good mood, but when the trees started budding, and the daffodils were blooming, she'd get this sparkle in her eye. As soon as the temperatures warmed up she was ready to hit the road.

And we did. Many times. We drove all the way from Gig Harbor to Elizabethton, Tennessee one Spring.

I inherited that wondering, wandering, spirit from her. Our months of gray and rain have been interrupted by short bursts of blue skies and sunshine. There's a restlessness stirring that I know will only get stronger as the days get longer.

We have decided we aren't taking any big trips this year, since last year was a big one with the honeymoon. But I'll have to go somewhere, even if it's a short day trip.

I'm already thinking of the possibilities...