Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Union party

Last night was the union party for the firefighters, and Chuck hosted it at his place. I intended to arrive early and help him prepare, but I couldn't drop Sean off until late afternoon. Traffic was awful. I got there and Chuck had everything ready except the cranberry sauce. So I made that. Whoo hoo, lot of help.

He is an absolute wonder. I couldn't believe how much food he had prepared all by himself. There was some kind of beef, though I'm not a meat person so I don't know what it was, maybe a roast? He had some delicious mashed potatoes, a salad, a relish tray and a veggie tray and cooked broccoli. He even baked some cookies! He used to work in restaurants and even ran the line, he said. (Have I said he's a fireman, and he can cook, and I really like him?) I took my camera, but was in such a rush I forgot I had the battery in the charger on the wall. No pics.

There was no drinking until the shift guys left, and then people really just drank light and no one got crazy. I realized how much I miss being around fun people who banter and joke around. My life has been so serious in the past six years or so.

It was about 9 and four couples, including us, and one guy went up to the loft to play an 80s game. I was horrible at it, even though I'm a child of the 80s. Most of the questions were about music, and I really wasn't that into the music. The music I like wasn't the music in the questions. Ask me about Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers or Dire Straits and I could probably answer, but I guess they aren't technically 80s bands.
It was a lot of fun, though. We weren't dead last, but close. Others seemed to know a LOT about the 80s. I enjoyed meeting the other couples and a few of the guys were really funny and made it enjoyable.

That game went on forever. I think it was midnight when we were finished, and I helped clean up until 12:30 a.m. or later, maybe it was 1 a.m., I can't remember.

His house is for sale, and wouldn't you know someone was coming today to look at it. Of course, the day after a big party. We worked fast and hard to get everything cleaned up.

I asked him, "What are we going to do after Christmas, when there's no party and nowhere to go?" Snuggle and talk, he said. Ahh, and that sounds great to me.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cookies and fellowship

Last Sunday I stopped over at the pastor's house for an annual Open House Christmas Cookie fellowship.
His wife Sandra makes an array of cookies from scratch, complete with name plates for each decorative and delicious flavor.
Shane and Jacob-Joshua were at church that morning, and immediately after church we had an education meeting. After the meeting Shane followed me to Pastor Jim's and we enjoyed the decorations and friends there.

All of the cookies are from scratch, and they are decorated perfectly. Sandra said her mom was a cake decorator, so she watched as a child while her mother prepared cakes.

Yesterday was our Las Posadas celebration at church. It is the first time our church has put this on, and our fellowship hall was transformed into a Fiesta complete with banners and pinatas. The children followed Mary and Joseph as they knocked on a door four times and were turned away until the fourth time they were welcomed in. Each time they knocked someone gave examples of people who are hurting in our world and in some cases are turned away.
I didn't get pictures because I forgot my camera. The choir members and children all wore ponchos, except for Mary and Joseph. It was fun, but Sean didn't care for it. He was hot in the poncho and bored with the procession. My patience was wearing thin, so we didn't stay around for all of the rest of the celebration. We had a long day ahead with a social event that afternoon, so I figured I'd be setting myself and Sean up for a bad day if we hung around.

We came home and had a little while to regroup before heading to Chuck's. I took some leftover decorations for him to choose from for his union party coming up this week. Then we all piled into my car and were on our way to an afternoon Christmas open house at a friend's house. We were there for quite a while, but the food and company were so good it was hard to leave.
On the drive back to Chuck's Lilly and Sean were playing and laughing in the back seat, and I thought how long it had been since I heard that kind of chatter in my car from children.
Back to Chuck's, and a light dinner with Chuck and Lilly before he had to take Lilly back to her mom's.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Puget Sound Revels

We started a tradition last year when I took my aunt Bennie to see the Puget Sound Revels Show at Christmas time. After that show I was already planning to take her again this year. Each year the show changes, so I knew it would still be a new experience.
I bought tickets a week or so ago for today's matinee.
Time got away from me a bit so we were cutting it close on getting there on time, and then we had to park.
Parking is awful, but I knew I wanted to park in the same garage we parked in last year because it is so close to the theatre. We got the last spot in the garage, but I had forgotten what a pain it is to pay.
So you have to pay $5 to park. OK. Not a really big deal. Except I forgot about that part and didn't have $5 in my wallet. I dug around and found $2 and some change, and Bennie had some change. While she was digging for her change I was putting my money in the tiny little slot. I swear we spent an extra 10 mins. at this pay stall just trying to get enough for $5 and get it in the metal slot.
That's us. We parked in spot 31, and that long thin slot is the one for your CHANGE. The one next to it that you can barely see, that's the one for your DOLLARS. 
So we didn't have enough and Bennie read on the sign you could write a check.

So she wrote a check for $2. Then we had to fold that sucker small enough to fit into the slot. She tried to jam it in with her key, but it was stuck. So I pulled it back out with my key, unfolded it a bit and was able to cram it in.
Honestly, who comes up with these pay stalls?
Finally we were on our way. I get to the will call and get our extra ticket I ordered for Rhian and realize I left my other three at home. UGH! Luckily they had a record of my purchase, wrote me a note to get in that had seat numbers on it, and we got seated. I'm not sure how much we missed.
We weren't allowed to take pics during the performance, but Sean snapped some of the stage during intermission.
This year's show was really different from last year. It was Victorian England, and it was filled with lots of humor. We had a great time. I love two songs in particular that they sing each year, "Dona Nobis Pacem" and "Lord of the Dance."
"Dance, then, wherever you may be.
I am the Lord of the Dance," said he. "And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be, And I'll lead you all in the dance," said he.
During that song the actors come out into the audience and encourage everyone to join hands and dance around the theatre. It is such fun.
I love this show because it was blatantly Christmas. There is no watered down "happy holidays," about it. The songs are all about Christ and the Christmas celebration.
The Puget Sound Revels have activities throughout the year, including a May Day celebration on May 1 and a Children's Play Date with Revels Theatre Project in October. I feel very lucky to have a Revels near us. There are only 10 cities in the country that have Revels. If you have one near you, go. It's a great way to get into the Christmas spirit.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Finally, a picture

Just got home from the black tie dinner at the local country club put on by the Chamber of Commerce.
I had a great time. I haven't gotten that dressed up and spent that much time getting ready for an evening in YEARS.
It was fun to see everyone dressed up and having a good time. Chuck wore his chief's uniform and looked very handsome.
We had a good dinner. I ordered the sea bass and Chuck had the filet.
We sat with friends, and one couple we didn't know but will likely run into again.
My favorite part of the night -- being on the arm of this handsome man.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Welcome Parsla Estelle Debord

I got the call at about 1 a.m. that Jewel was in labor and thinking of going to the hospital. The phone rang again at about 6:30 a.m. and she was at the hospital and set up with an iv.
I waited and waited throughout the day to hear more news, and finally Bjorn called to say she was stuck at 6 cm and they were giving pitosin at around 2 p.m.

While we were at dinner last night Bjorn called to announce Parsla's arrival. Baby, mom and dad were all doing fine and exhausted.

I can't wait to get more pictures of her, and I can't wait to see her and hold her when I get there.

Happy Birthday Parsla Estelle Debord
7 pounds 4 ounces, 19 inches long

One dinner down, a few more to go

Last night Chuck and I cooked rice and stir-fried veggies for the annual civic center potluck holiday dinner. Once again I forgot my camera. Truly a shame because the room was decorated with a nice tree and the tables were pretty.

My days have been crazy lately. I've had meetings and interviews, and this social life that has kicked into high gear suddenly. I'm having a great time, though.

Last night I found out that the dinner we will attend tomorrow evening is a formal, black tie affair. Eeek! I haven't been anywhere in years. I remembered I had this nice red formal gown I bought a few years ago when Sean and I attended the Nutcracker Ballet in Seattle. I pulled it out as soon as we got home last night to try it on.

It's two pieces. The skirt is floor length and the top is strapless and zips up the back. The skirt fit fine, but somehow I gained weight in my torso. How in the world does that happen? So I'm walking around thinking, "Hmm. I can't really breathe very well in this thing. I don't know if I can handle wearing it."
Suddenly the zipper split from the bottom up and I was soooo glad I tried it on and didn't just wait until time to go to dinner.

Today I went to a consignment shop with the top in my purse to try to find an alternative.
Sharon's Consignment in Gig Harbor has really nice clothes and she was great! I told her what I was looking for and she went right to the rack and pulled a few options for me. She even found a skirt that was almost exactly the same as mine at home so I could see how the tops would look with the skirt.
I was in and out of there in about 30 mins. or maybe less and spent $43, and my choice still had the store tags on it. I was very happy with my purchase, and SUPER happy that I didn't have to go searching for a new formal outfit on short notice.
I'll be sure I take the camera to this shin dig.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tree Lighting Festivities

We didn't make it in time for the actual tree lighting ceremony in our town on Sunday evening, and I hate that we missed it. Chuck was officiating the ceremony and I wanted to be there for him, but Sean was late getting home from his visit with his dad.

By the time we got there it was lit and Santa and Mrs. Claus were posing for photos. We decided to skip the long line and wait until the Fire Dept. sends Santa and the Mrs. through the neighborhood.
They have expanded the route this year, so we'll have a personal visit.

We hung out at the local computer shop where there was hot cider and cookies, and we talked with the nice owner and friends. She and her boyfriend hosted the wreath-making party we attended last week.

Then we mozied over to the Fire Station where we helped Chuck cook some stir fry veggies for the potluck dinner at the station house. It was really good food, very nice people and a few emergency calls while we were there. Sean loved hanging out in the station and exploring, and Chuck led the event with an ornament exchange.

I was still searching for my camera, so no pics.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I was invited to attend a social dinner by a handsome man I've known for a couple of years. We work in the same community and see each other often at events. I clicked with him the first time I met him, but ours has been strictly a working relationship.

As the editor of the local paper I've tried to be careful about any personal relationships in general. I am limited in my ability to get close to some of the major players here because chances are I might have to someday publish a story about them. I try to avoid bias, or any appearance of such.

It's difficult. In this tiny community you'd have to pretty much be a recluse to avoid becoming friendly with the people who make this place tick. And that is exactly what I've tried to do. It doesn't work very well, because as Executive editor I'm expected to be at certain community events and do a bit of what I call "back slappin' and grinnin'."

So when he asked me to dinner I thought he was inviting me as a guest. I thought he was trying to get me in the door so I could talk with a politician. Turns out it was an actual date. I didn't know it until about half way through the night when I heard him talking to someone and he used the term, "ex-wife." He had been introducing me as his date all evening, but I thought he was using that word as a joke.

After I was able to wrap my head around the fact that this man actually asked me out on a date, and I was happy and excited to see where this could lead, and after I decided I really wanted to get to know this man better, the panic started to set in. The implications for my job came to the front of my mind.

He's a division chief with our fire department, and I'm the Executive editor of the local paper. The fire department is one of the constant topics in our paper, and it isn't always pretty. I let him know at the end of the date that it is still my job to report news about the fire department to my readers. I'm searching for someone to take over the beat, but it's getting difficult to find anyone who doesn't have some kind of link to someone at the department. He understood, and has already been demonstrating respect for my position.

He is so perfect for me in so many ways. We have a long list of things in common. He has been so honest with me about his flaws, faults, past, needs, wants. I've been honest with him too. We're both at an age and place in our lives where the games are gone, the baggage is heavy, and we know what is important.

I asked some hard questions, so did he. Since that first date, we've been almost inseparable. I've attended Fireman events, we've been to community events, we've been to see a play in Seattle and we're constantly talking about places we want to go and things to do. Our kids have been on a couple of these dates with us, and our kids get along and we both like each others' kids. BIG PLUS.

He introduced me as his girlfriend last night at the Fire Department's dinner. I was really happy that he did, but wasn't sure how the crowd would take to it. I know to some I'm seen as the enemy. Next it will be my turn to announce to my staff. I hope to have someone else taking over the fire beat by the time I announce it. I have a feeling a lot of them already know. It is a small town.

I'm content and happy, and it just feels good. We've talked about what is important in a relationship. For me, at this point in my life, it is a foundation and it needs to be God-centered. He was going to surprise me and show up at my church last weekend, he said, but when he checked the start time it was too late. So he came yesterday to church, and it was really nice to have him sitting beside me.

I'm totally smitten.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Red Ranger Came Calling

We have enjoyed reading the book, "Red Ranger Came Calling," by Berkeley Breathed for a few years now. We pull it out around Thanksgiving and read it a couple of times before Christmas. It's a beautifully illustrated book about a boy who is shipped off by his parents to visit his Aunt Vy on Vashon Island (right here in our area) during Christmas time in 1939.

He is into a character called Red Ranger of Mars, protector of the 25th Century. The newest thing in 1939 was an Official Buck Tweed, two-speed, crime-stopper, star-hopper bicycle. Red, of course. And the little boy is called, "Red," and has red hair and a fiery temper to match. He meets up with an old man named Saunder Clos who the locals say is the real deal retired from the North Pole to Vashon. Red is prepared to unmask the phony. 

It's a heartwarming story, complete with a little piece of evidence that suggests the story is true. 

So I was REALLY excited when I found out a local theater company was doing a play based on the book.  I can't even remember how I found out about it, but I immediately looked for how to get tickets, etc. The dates worked out for us, so I was ready to purchase.

I decided to "friend" them on Facebook, and found on their profile page that redheads could get in for a discounted price of $10. And even if you didn't have natural red hair, you could dye your hair, get a wig, wear yarn hair, whatever, and get that discount.

Well, that was just icing on my cake. Anytime there is a chance to have a little silly fun I'm in. And believe me, a discount can send my heart racing.

I envisioned a troop of redheads in our party, and I was likely to be the only natural redhead in the bunch. I talked Sean into a wig in the beginning, but he changed his mind and wanted to dye part of his hair red. I was fine with that as long as it was temporary. My boyfriend wore a red wig, Sean dyed the top part of his hair with red hair gel, Lilly (my boyfriend's little girl) put a red streak in her hair, and my aunt and cousin went with their regular look. Not as many redheads as I thought, but still just fine.
Chuck with Sean and Lilly. Chuck wore the wig until after the play. Under the wig are Sean's spiky red locks. 

The promotion was only through the Facebook page, so there weren't many in the audience who had taken advantage of it.

The play was incredible. It was a musical, which I didn't expect. Honestly, I'm usually not that into musicals, but this one was really good. My joy came from watching Sean thoroughly enjoy every moment of it. Each actor did such a great job and really brought the book to life.

Sean knows the story so well, I'm sure he could anticipate what was coming next. To have it all right there bigger than life for him was so much fun!
We had just read it last week when Chuck was visiting, so he was familiar with the story, too. We all had a really good time. 

I loved that it was a Christmas story, but so different.
I feel so blessed to live here. There are some really rich and top-notch arts opportunities here.