Friday, April 1, 2011

What is sexy?

I guess there are a lot of answers to that question.

I know some women find it sexy when a man recognizes their physical needs, emotional needs, maybe the need for more compliments.

Some women need a man who will shower them with compliments. They want a man who will tell them constantly how beautiful they are, how skinny they look in every outfit when asked. Even if they're wearing something that makes them look like they've swallowed an inner tube or have the rear end of a hippo. They find this man sexy.

Some women need a man who can read minds. They want a man who knows immediately when they are mad and why they are mad.

Some women need a man who will work from a list--the Honey Do list.

There is nothing wrong with any of that. I suppose all of those things could be sexy.

I take compliments when they are given and appreciate them, but have never been one to ask a question about how I look if I didn't want a truthful answer. I don't find false compliments sexy.

I don't need a man who can read my mind. I figure if I can't read his, he probably can't read mine. And I know that I cannot read minds. I'm intuitive, and that could be another blog post, but I really cannot read minds.

I don't need a man who works from a list that I create for him. I don't find that at all sexy.

I won't go into the physical needs. I don't really talk about these things with my female friends, so I don't know what they expect in that area.
And all I am willing to say about my own experience is: It's good.

But what I find equally sexy is a man who can see that I need my Chicago Cutlery knives sharpened. Without a word he brings his knife sharpener over to my house and sharpens every knife.

Sexy for me is a man who replaces the filter in my furnace without me asking. He just comes right in with three filters, places a new one in the furnace and stores the other two for the future.

And this man who will buy new windshield wipers and install them on my car without me knowing, and before I have to drive to a meeting in the rain--oh, wow. That is sexy.

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