Sunday, July 25, 2010

Retreat is a treat

Yesterday was the Key Peninsula News retreat. I used it as a day to talk about where we've been, where we are and where we're going. I scheduled one guest speaker ( a retired attorney) who talked to us about defamation. None of the people on staff have had journalism classes, so this subject is somewhat new for them. I think they know about libel and slander in general, but George Robison gave us some great information and sited specific cases in his presentation. (He made it clear he wasn't giving legal advice, only teaching us about the subject.)
Lori, our ad rep, graciously offered her farm as the location for the retreat. It was a beautiful day, and a lovely setting. It was a treat just to hang out there for the afternoon.
Her farm is beautiful. We had a delicious light breakfast as people arrived, and I decided this year to have the event catered. Last year we had it at the home of one of the volunteers and it was sort of potluck with sandwich trays, etc. I chose not to buy gifts for staff this year, and instead put the money into the food and have a "staff appreciation lunch."  I have to say that my assistant editor was instrumental in securing the caterer and did a wonderful job of working with Lori to make sure everything came together.
This is where you walk up to the small pavilion. That's a little rock wall with a small rock stairway between the flowers.

Here's where we had our speakers of the day, and light breakfast and lunch.
I didn't get a photo of it, but Lori made scones from scratch with homemade marmalade and berry preserves, and the coffee was from Ravensara, a local coffee shop.
The small pavilion is positioned in the middle of the vineyard. 

Chef Dorne Webster prepared Salade Nicoise featuring grilled salmon. DELISH!!We also had lemonade, tea, water and a sampling of Lori's wine. 
I think it was a great day. We had good information throughout the day, from libel, to what we're doing with social media, and plans for our new web site.

Here's the view of the water and Mt. Rainier from the grounds. We didn't have this view from the pavilion, but we took a little walk around the farm at the end of the day. 

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