Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Imagine the beep,beep, b, beep sound as I offer you this breaking news alert.
After about 100 pounds of poop, an equal amount or more of feed, quality time, coaxing, love, pleading and sometimes threats of the deep fryer, one of our chickens has started to lay eggs.
It was around dusk on a Monday that the farmer/firefighter/general contractor decided to check the chicken coop nesting boxes for any signs of an egg. The discovery was met with whoops and wide-eyed excitement as he brought the egg in to show the family.
The first egg of 2012 at The Mossy Knoll Farm.

Seriously, we've been waiting for what seems like a long time. We expected them to start laying in June, and we're still waiting on the other six to get busy. A few of them are still too small, we believe. Hopefully they will lay before the end of summer, though.

This summer has been pretty busy for us, so far. We're working on the restoration of the historic Glen Cove Hotel, and we've had some social events both here at the house and out in the community. We both served on the committee to make the community fair happen. Chuck was president and I did some volunteer coordinating. In between all of that work we've had some work parties here at the house to get ready for the big family reunion coming up next month.

I've been coordinating the summer curriculum for summer Sunday school, and I'm also working on the committee to plan the big open house for the new school. Busy, but even with all of this going on I still feel like I've been able to slow down a little bit. I've actually said no to a few things, and it feels good.

I'm enjoying the freedom of being home and setting my own schedule, and so far the business keeps me busy, but not so stressed that I feel like I never have a moment to relax.

I love working outside, and sometimes I take my paperwork outside, too.
Back porch entrance.

Just another view from my office.

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