Sunday, August 16, 2009

The last days of summer

I love this outfit -- sleeveless shirt, shorts and rain boots.
Totally Pacific Northwest.

That echoing tune in the distance can send Sean into a frenzy. He freezes in his tracks, listens, then frantically runs through the house to find his wallet.
Yes, it's the ice cream truck. It is not a dependable visitor to our neighborhood, so any time we get to buy something from the ice cream truck is a big treat. He can hear it several streets away, but runs outside to wait. And wait. And wait.

After a few days of clouds, rain and very cool air, we had a great summer day. Sean played in the small pool with his friend for a while, but I wasn't quick enough with the camera.

Summer is winding down for us. I suppose for a lot of our family and friends on the other side of this country summer weather is still going strong, but school is already back in session. For us it is opposite. The air is feeling like fall, and the schools aren't open yet.
Schools here begin Sept. 2.

1 comment:

Karen said...

The ice cream truck hardly ever came to our house growing up. One time it did, though, and Johnny got a push pop (or whatever those things are called). Then he got diarrhea. LOL! To this day, we still talk about how push pops cause diarrhea. hahahaaa