Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Snapshots of Fall

Sean loves every little creature, and that includes snails. We have an abundance of these, and he frequently brings them inside to watch them slime along on various surfaces--yep, even his face. I've grown to love all things boy, and now embrace slime, and the beauty of snakes and frogs and even spiders. As long as he loves to learn about them, I get just as excited as he does.

For a while there, Sean was starting to get his days and nights mixed up. So it was to the point of ridiculous, and I decided I was going to wear him out and get him to bed early one day last week. We went to the park and he ran and played for well over an hour. Blew homeschool day, but hey, it got him back on track. This pic is as the sun is setting. It was getting pretty chilly, and he was getting tired.

As if life wasn't full enough, I decided it would be a good idea to get a kitten. We have a dog, and we love her. But I thought Sean would enjoy an inside pet. I've had cats before, but one at a time. I thought maybe it would be better to have two and they could play and have a companion and not cry all night long. We got these two on Monday night. They race through the house all night, wreaking havoc on anything that isn't too heavy to knock over. Sometimes I think I should have my head examined.
But they are very cute, and I think it will be good for Sean to learn how to take care of them.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Meow! What cute little kittens!
And I don't think you blew homeschool day--it was PE ... or a field trip. :o)