Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beach time

We were supposed to be proofing the paper today, but we do it the old fashioned way on large sheets of paper. The printer is really old and was giving me fits. It just wouldn't print. I went to plan B and that didn't work either, so now I'm looking for a plan C.
I couldn't do anything about it today, so I went on about my day.

I met Chuck at his house this afternoon and we made dinner. Sean wasn't here, so it was just me and Chuck and Lilly.
Before dinner was ready Lilly wanted to go to the beach and throw the ball for Emma.
We piled into the truck and took Pug too. Pug is a pug.
Pug stays close to our heels. She doesn't really like the water.
Emma LOVES it. She's a Malamute.

She brings it back and drops it at your feet so you can throw it again and again. 

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