Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun weekend

I'm late getting this one in, but wanted to do it now before I forget. (Plus, I have some time because my phone battery is dead and I can't do interviews for stories.)

Chuck and I had talked about making Sunday a family day for all four of us, but it turned out to be a pretty full weekend.
It started when Chuck mentioned that maybe Sean and Lilly would like to go skating at the local civic center on Friday night. I thought they might like to have pizza before they went, so Chuck and I communicated about how best to get it ordered and picked up. I ordered it and Chuck picked it up and we ate here. After dinner the kids started playing Lego Star Wars on the Game Cube. I think they've found something they both really enjoy doing together. We had to pry them away from it.

So we suited up and took off to the civic center. It was loud, and neither of the kids were into it. We weren't there long and Sean said he would rather go to the skate park. (Chuck designed that skate park, but I'll post about that another time and include pictures.)

It was dark, but we went out there because it is not far from Chuck's house. The lights were on, so we ventured down and the kids skated for quite a while. Sean is a rough and tumble boy, all boy. Lilly is a girly girl, all girl. She was nervous he was going to get too close and make her fall, so she tried to stay away. But he's so excited to play with her he kept trying to go where she was going. They get along really well, but they are adjusting. When we left the skate park we spent a little time at Chuck's and then he and Lilly brought us back.

Saturday there was a birthday party for Sean's friend Max. We thought it might be fun for Lilly to meet Max's sister Madison. We took the kids to the party and Chuck met Aimee and Mike, Max and Madison's parents. After a few minutes, when we were sure Lilly was making friends, we left them there. They had a blast making their own pizzas and playing games. The house was full of kids.

After the party we all came back here for a little while and Sean and Lilly picked up their game of Lego Star Wars again and played for a while. I had to take Sean to visit his dad Saturday evening, so we said our goodbyes and planned to have Sunday afternoon together doing something all of us would enjoy. We were thinking of a hike or board games.

Sunday morning Chuck had planned to come to church, but he was running late. I was a little suspicious that he was skipping to listen to the Seahawks game ;-) He met us at our house after church and we went down to visit my grandmother for a while. Chuck enjoyed meeting grandma and talking about how things used to be out here where we live.  He had made her a nice cutting board and gave it to her while we were there. She is recovering from a fall that fractured her pelvis, and we're all hoping she will make a full recovery. Luckily she hasn't had to go to a nursing home and the family has taken turns staying with her. Oh, and she had the game on the TV when we got there so we were able to watch some of it there and were oh, so disappointed with the final score.

So while we were at grandma's the kids started getting hungry. They were munching on a big canister of pretzels. We left there to go to lunch, but they didn't want to stop to eat. They didn't even want anything, so we ordered Mexican to go and took it to Chuck's and made them each a sandwich. We thought we would go for a hike, but it started to rain. The kids wanted to play more video games and Chuck was able to dig around and find an old game system at his place that belongs to his son Alex. Sean and Lilly got it working and had some fun with that and then we made an impromptu trip to the beach with the dogs, Emma and Pug.

Chuck and Sean threw a tennis ball for Emma and she loved swimming out to get it. It was already dark and pretty cool and windy, so we didn't stay long. Lilly said she'd like to come back to our house before she had to to go her mom's.

(I think they are getting along really well. They act like siblings sometimes, each getting on the other's nerves, then they retreat to their corners for a few minutes and come back out ready to have fun again.)

So we dropped Emma off and we all came here and I made Teryaki chicken and fried rice and veggies. Lilly likes it, and so does Sean. I need to find another meal they'll both eat, because I think it's the only thing I've cooked for them. Lilly is a pretty good eater, but Sean is picky. And I'm not so sure rice, veggies and a few pieces of chicken are enough for my fireman. I need to find some new recipes that are kid-friendly that will also fill him up.

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