Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Green and growing things

I loved this little Hallmark Jack-O-Lantern. I'll probably
pot this plant into a different one after Halloween. I think
this is actually a candy dish. 
I love to grow things, so a month or so ago when I found house plants for 50 cents at the thrift store I just couldn't walk away. The poor things were potted in solid mud. I bought all of them, and I think there were about six pots. Some large, some small, some dying, some hanging on to life.

Once I got them here I realized I didn't have enough pots for them. Back to the thrift store and Goodwill I went searching for just the right sized pots. I found quite a few, but I also found some Halloween and fall decorations that could work as pots.
This is another Goodwill find.

This one just cracks me up. It was the perfect
plant to put in this pot, too.
Some of the pots were too crowded, so I separated the plants. Some of them had no root system, so those I put in water. I ended up with about 12 or 13 plants. I filled the pots with healthy potting soil, watered them, and let them sit outside for some sunshine.
Chuck asked where I planned on putting them. Some I brought in and fashioned a plant shelf upstairs in our office area. For the time being I just left a lot of them in the pots outside because the weather was still warm enough.

And then I read Meag's class newsletter (Sean's teacher) and she asked if anyone had extra house plants they would like to donate to the classroom to make it more cozy. I gave quite a few. I also gave her the ones I had in water so the kids could see how long it takes for them to develop roots.

There are a couple more that I kept and have in our office. They've already grown so much! I love having plants all over the house.
This one has doubled in size in just a month sitting
on the window sill of our office.

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