Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sean at 10

I wrote this post months ago.

I don't write very much about my children. Most of the posts have been about outings, or birthdays, and I tend to want to protect their privacy.

But there are some things that I know I will forget about if I don't write them down. All of my kids are amazing, and I love each of them so much, and enjoy their wonderful personalities.

Sean is the youngest. He is very unique. From an early age I could tell he was going to teach me things about myself, and challenge me in ways I hadn't been challenged before.
He is 10 now. He loves what most 10-year-old boys love. Legos, and more Legos. Video games, which I don't really like, but I've decided to stop fighting it. Airsoft guns, and really any kind of gun. I used to fight that, too, and then decided maybe it was a phase and if I gave in and let him have a toy gun or pistol it would wear off. It never wore off. He has an arsenal.
Cars, trucks, and being outside are also some of his favorite things. He has a bicycle, a motorcycle, skateboard, roller skates, and if none of those are appealing at the moment, he'll make his own fun by going outside to dig for worms, or hunt for creatures he's never seen before.
All this is to say he is pretty normal, I believe. Full of energy, curiosity, a passion for all living creatures, including his lovely pet tarantula, Rosie, and a passion to explore.

He has always loved music. Before he could speak, he would hum along with hymns at church. He cried in the car as an infant. He absolutely hated to ride in the car, but one day I put in a classical CD and turned it up, and he quieted down. From that day, I had the CD ready as soon as we got in the car. To this day he enjoys classical music.

When he was a toddler I brought in a variety of instruments. We started with a tiny piano, then a type of string harp, a set of drums and a guitar. He loved all of it, but gravitated to the drums more than the other instruments. And he's pretty good. He hasn't had formal training, he just loves to keep a beat and make up his own.

There are a few things he has said lately that made me want to write this post. I know I've forgotten so many profound things he has said and done over the years, so I want to note these now before I forget them, too.

He enjoys an app on my phone that has little circles that light up and flow down the screen, and as you hit the circles it plays the notes on a piano to play along to popular songs. The other day he changed it to a harpsichord and I didn't really like the sound because he had it too loud. I asked him to change it and said "I don't really like that sound. It sounds like a harpsichord." He responded in a disappointed tone, "It is a harpsichord. I think it's awesome because it totally changes the sound of the song."

Yesterday we were in the car and I had the radio tuned to a public radio station, and it was jazz Monday. I asked him what his favorite types of music are, and he told me a few of them. I asked if he liked jazz, and he said yes, it was OK. He said it was the kind of music you would listen to when you're purple.

I waited for him to explain that. He sometimes associates moods with colors, or feelings with colors. He said it's when you're not really sad, but you're not angry or happy either. And jazz is the kind of music he would listen to when he was feeling purple.

As we arrived home from school one day last week, I pulled up to the mailbox to let him roll down the car window and check the box. I told him it might be empty, because I thought Chuck might be home already. He said he thought so too. "I can kind of feel that he's here," he said. "Do you know what I mean? Do you feel it?"

I do know what he means.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bridal Shower: Wedding Plans

Written on 6/25/13

I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends.

The friendships have developed over the past five years or so. It all started when I accepted the job at our local monthly non-profit newspaper and began to be thrust into the community. I still stuck really close to home, and didn't make very many close friends because being a newspaper editor requires a certain amount of reclusiveness, mixed with a fair amount of extrovert energy. But for the four years I was there I had the most amazing assistant editor, Danna Webster.

She was with me through thick and thin, and there was a lot of thin, especially toward the end of my time there. I can't even describe how much she gave, and how much her help meant to me.

As Sean approached first grade I decided to homeschool him. I couldn't afford to pay for private school anymore, and I wasn't sure what to do. Once we got into homeschooling I was in a homeschooling group, but we weren't really active in it for several reasons. I received an email from another homeschooling mom who was doing Montessori and Waldorf, and Shane and I have stayed in touch and become friends.

When I enrolled Sean at the school in Tacoma I had no idea the friendships I would cultivate there. Each school has it's own culture, and the parents at this school are amazing! Most of them are casual acquaintances that I speak to on the playground, but some of them I have served with on committees and the site council. A few of them have become good friends.

This year I became more friendly with Gwen. Her oldest boy was in Sean's class last year. I work in the office as the volunteer coordinator and she walked in one day in November and I mentioned that I was going to an appointment after work to try on wedding gowns. She wanted to go with me. I'm so glad she did.

She was the only one with me that day, and she was at each subsequent appointment as well. We added a couple of ladies to the next two appointments, and it was so much fun to have them with me!

Gwen loves planning events, and from that second bridal gown appointment started talking about the bridal shower she was going to throw for me.

June 21 was the shower, and it was so lovely. She really went all out, and included so many little details. The colors were teal and white, and she had really nice gifts for the people who won games, and she also had nice favors for everyone as they left the party. She had printed super cute labels for glass canisters with a locking lid that included the date and a recipe for sugar cookies, and she had the cookie dough measured into it and you just have to add the liquid.

I got some really nice gifts, including a beautiful apron, kitchen towels and an amazing crock made in Italy from Jill. Jennifer gave me a really neat hanging sculpture for the garden. Claudia, another friend from the community where we live, gave me two wine glasses and some Seattle Chocolates. Danna gave me a huge beautiful basket filled with unique teas, and I plan to invite her over for tea very soon.
Silver and gold serving fork and spoon set were given to us by Kama, and Kristina gave me money that I plan to use for either a manicure or pedicure. And there were several friends there who brought their love and best wishes for us, and the best thing was all of those amazing women in the same room with me to help me celebrate this wonderful love that Chuck and I have.
There was a small "after party" at a local restaurant/bar and Lisa made it to that party. She gave me a nice book and a game to take on our honeymoon ;))

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Minute Details: Wedding Plans

This was written June 18, 2013 I think...

Our final meeting with Pastor Jim before the rehearsal took place last week. We were also able to meet
with our musician, Dave Thomas. He had great suggestions, and is excited to do a duet with the lady who will accompany him.

We have a tentative song list. Including: Cinnamon Girl, When You Say Nothing at All, When the Right One Comes Along, I Can't Help Falling In Love With You ( A nod to my mother who loved Elvis) and a religious song, You Are My King. I will walk down the aisle to The Wedding Song.
I think the ceremony will be beautiful, and I believe it will be the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended. And I'm so happy we have put so much work into it. The part with the gift giving to the children will be so meaningful to us, and I hope they will think so too, and that the youngest ones will remember it all of their lives.

I'm excited for everyone to arrive, and we will be busy preparing for the Big Day.
This is going to be one of the most amazing times of my life. I am so happy to know that I am embarking on a beautiful life with this wonderful man who loves so easily and completely.
We wrote our vows and handed them to Pastor Jim, but neither of us has seen them yet.

I booked the hotel for the night of the wedding. I found one that offers 14 day parking, plus 1 so we can stay there the night we arrive back in town. We've got all the lists in place for our house sitters.

I also paid in full for the rental of chairs and tables today.

Yesterday I went to Marshall's to browse and found the perfect addition to the church and reception. The letters C and M in a delicate and intricate white metal that looks like lace. I can't wait to get them hung and on the church doors. We will transport them to the reception after the ceremony and hang them there as well.

We'ver getting the details of the reception dialed in.
We want to offer some lawn games, especially if it's beautiful weather like today.
We will bring our croquet set. I found a child's horse shoe game at a garage sale last weekend, and I'll have some other things for kids to do.
I also bought a crate at Marshall's to hold some of our old soda bottles for an old fashioned ring toss.
I got a few child's bracelets at a thrift shop for that game.

I have the florist paid in full, and will deliver the vessels to them this week. I'm using four galvanized french buckets for arrangements, and will have a large bouquet for me and small similar ones to mine for Karen, Jewel and Lilly.  We will have 5 tall and 5 short single stem vases from old bottles and I will use mason jars and some candle holders to finish the groupings on the tables. Not sure yet what to put in the jars and holders. thinking greens from our property.

We are pairing down the cake--Doing away with the groom's cake and hopefully making ours a little smaller so we won't have leftovers.

I'm ready to finish my To Do List and have only cake, musicians and food and champagne for the recpetion to pay for now. Next we will book our Venice hotel! Yippeee!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Driving Miss Marsha and Chuck: Wedding Plans

As I said before, we have a lot of friends and connections and we are so blessed to know so many people.
Early on we knew we wanted some kind of old car to drive us from the church to the reception after the  ceremony. We tossed around a couple of ideas, but some of them were convertibles and I knew I didn't want that. I didn't want a windblown look upon arrival to the reception.
One idea was a firetruck, but I wasn't very thrilled with that idea. Chuck didn't seem sold on it either. Then Chuck had a brilliant idea.
He knows a guy who works with the LaMay family who own the cars that are displayed at the Car Museum in Tacoma. We have both been to the old museum, the original one that held all of the collection. Now there is a new museum near the Tacoma Dome.
He asked this friend if it would be possible for him to get a car from the LaMay collection to drive us from the church to the reception, and after a little time of making sure it was OK, etc., we were told yes!!
We are so excited to have an old car to drive us, and I can't wait to see it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Supporting the Arts: Wedding Plans

Author's note: I didn't have time to publish all of the posts prior to the wedding, so I'm going to be publishing a few in the coming days. I wrote this one a couple of weeks before the wedding.

Whether it's live music, paintings, old buildings, or just about any other thing that is an original work of art, we love it.

I want to support artists because I believe they are so important to a community. What a sad world we would live in if we didn't have artists.

We have several paintings and pieces of art, and we wanted to incorporate art into our wedding as well.

Two musicians will sing and one will play guitar during our ceremony. We have selected some songs that we know we want for that day. One is an Elvis song, and I am really happy that Dave Thomas suggested it. I was looking for a way to include my mom in our wedding. She was a huge Elvis fan back in the day. She really enjoyed his music all her life, and loved his Gospel songs. She wasn't all crazy and fainting and such, just really enjoyed his music and thought he was really handsome in his young days.

The others songs we've chosen are some we believe speak to us as a couple.

Early on I knew I wanted classical music for the reception. In my daydreamy thoughts of the reception I pictured everyone enjoying a glass of champagne or wine and nice conversation while musicians played in the background. I searched for a trio, a size I thought was just right.

I found A Trio Classique through the principal at the school where I work. She knew the leader, and said if they couldn't do it she would surely know someone who could. Turns out they were free that weekend. I am super excited!

Because there are chalkboards at our reception venue, and after I thought about how to use that space, I hired an artist to fill those chalkboards with beautiful script and designs. I met with her today to discuss the vision for that.  I can't wait to see her finished product!!

All of these people we found through friend connections. Chuck knew someone who knew Dave Thomas and Whitney Erickson who are performing some beautiful duets during our ceremony. My friend Scott put me in touch with Wendy Kleven who is working on the chalkboard designs.
There are some other connections that have been really instrumental in helping us achieve our vision for the wedding and ceremony.
We are really blessed to have such great friends!

Next Post: Driving Miss Marsha and Chuck: Wedding Plans