Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bridal Shower: Wedding Plans

Written on 6/25/13

I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends.

The friendships have developed over the past five years or so. It all started when I accepted the job at our local monthly non-profit newspaper and began to be thrust into the community. I still stuck really close to home, and didn't make very many close friends because being a newspaper editor requires a certain amount of reclusiveness, mixed with a fair amount of extrovert energy. But for the four years I was there I had the most amazing assistant editor, Danna Webster.

She was with me through thick and thin, and there was a lot of thin, especially toward the end of my time there. I can't even describe how much she gave, and how much her help meant to me.

As Sean approached first grade I decided to homeschool him. I couldn't afford to pay for private school anymore, and I wasn't sure what to do. Once we got into homeschooling I was in a homeschooling group, but we weren't really active in it for several reasons. I received an email from another homeschooling mom who was doing Montessori and Waldorf, and Shane and I have stayed in touch and become friends.

When I enrolled Sean at the school in Tacoma I had no idea the friendships I would cultivate there. Each school has it's own culture, and the parents at this school are amazing! Most of them are casual acquaintances that I speak to on the playground, but some of them I have served with on committees and the site council. A few of them have become good friends.

This year I became more friendly with Gwen. Her oldest boy was in Sean's class last year. I work in the office as the volunteer coordinator and she walked in one day in November and I mentioned that I was going to an appointment after work to try on wedding gowns. She wanted to go with me. I'm so glad she did.

She was the only one with me that day, and she was at each subsequent appointment as well. We added a couple of ladies to the next two appointments, and it was so much fun to have them with me!

Gwen loves planning events, and from that second bridal gown appointment started talking about the bridal shower she was going to throw for me.

June 21 was the shower, and it was so lovely. She really went all out, and included so many little details. The colors were teal and white, and she had really nice gifts for the people who won games, and she also had nice favors for everyone as they left the party. She had printed super cute labels for glass canisters with a locking lid that included the date and a recipe for sugar cookies, and she had the cookie dough measured into it and you just have to add the liquid.

I got some really nice gifts, including a beautiful apron, kitchen towels and an amazing crock made in Italy from Jill. Jennifer gave me a really neat hanging sculpture for the garden. Claudia, another friend from the community where we live, gave me two wine glasses and some Seattle Chocolates. Danna gave me a huge beautiful basket filled with unique teas, and I plan to invite her over for tea very soon.
Silver and gold serving fork and spoon set were given to us by Kama, and Kristina gave me money that I plan to use for either a manicure or pedicure. And there were several friends there who brought their love and best wishes for us, and the best thing was all of those amazing women in the same room with me to help me celebrate this wonderful love that Chuck and I have.
There was a small "after party" at a local restaurant/bar and Lisa made it to that party. She gave me a nice book and a game to take on our honeymoon ;))

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