Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Minute Details: Wedding Plans

This was written June 18, 2013 I think...

Our final meeting with Pastor Jim before the rehearsal took place last week. We were also able to meet
with our musician, Dave Thomas. He had great suggestions, and is excited to do a duet with the lady who will accompany him.

We have a tentative song list. Including: Cinnamon Girl, When You Say Nothing at All, When the Right One Comes Along, I Can't Help Falling In Love With You ( A nod to my mother who loved Elvis) and a religious song, You Are My King. I will walk down the aisle to The Wedding Song.
I think the ceremony will be beautiful, and I believe it will be the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended. And I'm so happy we have put so much work into it. The part with the gift giving to the children will be so meaningful to us, and I hope they will think so too, and that the youngest ones will remember it all of their lives.

I'm excited for everyone to arrive, and we will be busy preparing for the Big Day.
This is going to be one of the most amazing times of my life. I am so happy to know that I am embarking on a beautiful life with this wonderful man who loves so easily and completely.
We wrote our vows and handed them to Pastor Jim, but neither of us has seen them yet.

I booked the hotel for the night of the wedding. I found one that offers 14 day parking, plus 1 so we can stay there the night we arrive back in town. We've got all the lists in place for our house sitters.

I also paid in full for the rental of chairs and tables today.

Yesterday I went to Marshall's to browse and found the perfect addition to the church and reception. The letters C and M in a delicate and intricate white metal that looks like lace. I can't wait to get them hung and on the church doors. We will transport them to the reception after the ceremony and hang them there as well.

We'ver getting the details of the reception dialed in.
We want to offer some lawn games, especially if it's beautiful weather like today.
We will bring our croquet set. I found a child's horse shoe game at a garage sale last weekend, and I'll have some other things for kids to do.
I also bought a crate at Marshall's to hold some of our old soda bottles for an old fashioned ring toss.
I got a few child's bracelets at a thrift shop for that game.

I have the florist paid in full, and will deliver the vessels to them this week. I'm using four galvanized french buckets for arrangements, and will have a large bouquet for me and small similar ones to mine for Karen, Jewel and Lilly.  We will have 5 tall and 5 short single stem vases from old bottles and I will use mason jars and some candle holders to finish the groupings on the tables. Not sure yet what to put in the jars and holders. thinking greens from our property.

We are pairing down the cake--Doing away with the groom's cake and hopefully making ours a little smaller so we won't have leftovers.

I'm ready to finish my To Do List and have only cake, musicians and food and champagne for the recpetion to pay for now. Next we will book our Venice hotel! Yippeee!

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