Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Supporting the Arts: Wedding Plans

Author's note: I didn't have time to publish all of the posts prior to the wedding, so I'm going to be publishing a few in the coming days. I wrote this one a couple of weeks before the wedding.

Whether it's live music, paintings, old buildings, or just about any other thing that is an original work of art, we love it.

I want to support artists because I believe they are so important to a community. What a sad world we would live in if we didn't have artists.

We have several paintings and pieces of art, and we wanted to incorporate art into our wedding as well.

Two musicians will sing and one will play guitar during our ceremony. We have selected some songs that we know we want for that day. One is an Elvis song, and I am really happy that Dave Thomas suggested it. I was looking for a way to include my mom in our wedding. She was a huge Elvis fan back in the day. She really enjoyed his music all her life, and loved his Gospel songs. She wasn't all crazy and fainting and such, just really enjoyed his music and thought he was really handsome in his young days.

The others songs we've chosen are some we believe speak to us as a couple.

Early on I knew I wanted classical music for the reception. In my daydreamy thoughts of the reception I pictured everyone enjoying a glass of champagne or wine and nice conversation while musicians played in the background. I searched for a trio, a size I thought was just right.

I found A Trio Classique through the principal at the school where I work. She knew the leader, and said if they couldn't do it she would surely know someone who could. Turns out they were free that weekend. I am super excited!

Because there are chalkboards at our reception venue, and after I thought about how to use that space, I hired an artist to fill those chalkboards with beautiful script and designs. I met with her today to discuss the vision for that.  I can't wait to see her finished product!!

All of these people we found through friend connections. Chuck knew someone who knew Dave Thomas and Whitney Erickson who are performing some beautiful duets during our ceremony. My friend Scott put me in touch with Wendy Kleven who is working on the chalkboard designs.
There are some other connections that have been really instrumental in helping us achieve our vision for the wedding and ceremony.
We are really blessed to have such great friends!

Next Post: Driving Miss Marsha and Chuck: Wedding Plans

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